Performing nukkad is the best way to bring the social awareness. Nukkad is the way to represent a social issue in the best descriptive way. Pantomime performed nukkad to raise the issue of sex education, corruption, and drugs abuse under the guidance of the seniors and it never failed to show the enthusiasm and dedication even under the rain. Children falling in the age group 12_15 lack knowledge about sex because they haven’t been taught about it, which results in increased curiosity among them for the same. Pantomime showed the story of a girl who was much curious about it. Though her curiosity increased when her father denied to teach her about it. The second part of the nukkad raised the issue of corruption. Corruption implies perversion of morality, integrity, character without any regard to honour and justice. Pantomime showed the story of a job aspirant who suffered due to the influence of higher authority. Lastly pantomime showed the story of a student who was affected badly due the peer pressure for having drugs.